Monday, April 9, 2012

How To Protect Yourself From Gold Scams Part 2

Scams and fraudulent activity are no stranger to the american people. It seems that the more upheaval there is in the economy, the more scams that pop up. While there are many commissions and groups readily hunting such scams, fraud still runs rampant. For every scam than gets shut down, it is suspected that twenty more take its place. With no moral or ethical bounds holding back these criminals they are free to prey on our friends and family. Priority targets for these lawbreakers are commonly the elderly, many of whom are on a fixed income and end up investing, and then losing their life savings.

The burden falls on the consumer to protect themselves. It is also recommended that you bring up and talk about concerns of scams, fraudulent activity, and questionable investments with parents, friends, and family; so that they can be made aware and be able to protect themselves against crooks looking to take their money. If you suspect that you, or someone you know, has been scammed, take action so that no one else will get taken in by the same scam. Visit,, the United States Department of Justice, or the USDOJ recommend, which is the home of the National Consumers League's Fraud Center.

There are a few things that any consumer should look out for before they purchase gold, especially if you are planning a big or bulk purchase, or intending to buy gold online. Although this is a tip I have given before, it is definitely worth mentioning again because it has the potential of thwarting a would be scam artist. Research the dealer that you are potentially going to work with! Things you should be doing research on are how long the dealer has been in business, their BBB rating or if they have had any complaints, and do an online search of the dealer by using their company name and placing the word scam or fraud after. Also, only deal with local companies, instead of doing business with someone in another country. By dealing locally, you can ask around about your dealer in the community they are in, or go into the store and get a feel for the person yourself.

If you are working with someone for the first time, do not make a huge purchase or buy in bulk! First, make a small buy and see how that deal goes and check to make sure you received everything the dealer promised and if it is good quality gold. There is no harm in waiting, if the dealer claims you will miss out on special low rates or tries to bully you with any other sales tactic, than they are probably just trying to take your money and run away with it! Only buy gold that the dealer can deliver and you can actually hold in your hands. A wise and widely used expression for this is "If you can't hold it, you don't own it!" If you are unsure, or are a new investor in gold, than buy gold bullion coins. Mainly, these coins are bought for their gold content, which is the actual amount or weight of gold that the coin contains. Buying these kinds of gold coins make them easier to trade or sell, and also protects you from purchasing coins that are sold at inflated prices claiming to be collectible, when in reality they actually are not.

If you have any questions or concerns about gold or a gold coin purchase please contact us by phone at 941-366-2191 or 800 447-8778 or through email at Not only are we not afraid to talk to you, but we love to talk!

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